I find new articles in different website about website visitors everyday. Today I find this post which was summited in digg. I like this post because here is some important tips of SEO. Please follow the post-
The online marketers today do want to find new ways to get their website or blog some traffic, most people consider SEO as one of the main ways to get more traffic to your own website or blog. SEO does help to gain traffic to a web site or blog but it is important to complete other forms of online marketing to help make sure you get the best results for web traffic. I think one of the best truths in the online marketing is something I have been thinking about “ People seem to want to get web traffic to their website or domain, but don’t put a real effort into building their website.” Often I see webmasters who are looking to gain traffic, and they are not doing some of the most common things that you could do to help get yourself traffic. Some webmasters and internet marketers do not know what to do and for them I hope they are able to find this article as it will explain the gist of it.
Below will be methods in which you can generate web traffic to your web site or blog:
Adding Unique Content To Your Web Site:
Unique content is something that helps to put your blog or web site into the search engine. The search engines use unique content as food for themselves and with this they are able to supply the searchers that use their search engine with what they are looking for. Unique content is one of the keys to success when using a blog the rule goes the more content the better and usually the higher the value overall of the web site or blog. Writing unique content can be a pain sometimes but just remember that you are able to share your views with the rest of the world through your own blog or website. People do not often realize that it is important to go into a niche that you would like to write about as this helps to create more unique content which will bring more traffic to your website or blog.
Generating Links:
There are many ways to go about getting links online. Before I go into the links that you should be looking at getting I will go into the links that I would not personally recommend that you get for your own website or blog as these links can damage your ranking or “sandbox” your site in the major search engines. Reciprocal links are something that you do not want to have on your website as this looks like you are just trying to push yourself and also pushing someone else’s in the search engines, this is not something the search engine likes for you to do. A good way to get around getting links by trading is doing a 3-way link trade, a 3-way link trade is when you trade a link from your website or blog to someone else’s. Then you will give the other person a link on a different website this is a effective 3-way link trade and is helpful and not harmful for you inside of the search engines.
Another form of link generation is to use an automatic blog finding software to help you find the best links that you could gain for your blog. I have recently use “Fast Blog Finder” which finds “Do-Follow” links for you which are something that help to pass PR to your website. I even found a rare gem inside of this as I have found a DO FOLLOW PR-7 link with the use of it. This PR-7 link is something that would of cost me $50-$100s of dollars a month and I was very glad to use this software and find these valuable links for free. If you are commenting in another way I would suggest that you try out the Fast Blog Finder as it is a great tool. I would provide you all with the PR-7 link here, but I do not like to put links out on my blog, so if you would like the PR-7 auto approving link just shoot me a MESSAGE at defyme21@hotmail.com.
Getting links from directories and social networks like Digg and Stumble Upon is also important when looking to get your website or blog noticed inside of the Google search engine and other major search engines like Yahoo & MSN. Directories often allow you to put links in for free, others require a reciprocal link I would suggest just go ahead and skipping any directory that tries to force you to place a link to them on your website. These directories are for people to look at and I believe directory builders should have to provide themselves with link building promotions on their own and often it is not effective to have reciprocal links as this can possibly damage your place inside of the search engine.
Submitting RSS Feeds:
Another great thing that you can perform for your website is to submit your websites or blog RSS feed it is has one to all of the major RSS readers. This helps to get the new posts that you write for your website or blog noticed by the search engines faster which is something that is helpful to getting more traffic to your own web site.
Submitting To All The Search Engines You Can Find:
Of course the most important search engine out there is Google, but Google does not have a problem finding your website this is why usually you will not have to submit yourself to Google they will be able to find and index you. The other search engines out there (as there are hundreds) you can submit to this will give you better exposure to the people that are using the less popular search engines for their own personal searches. Doing this will be sure to increase traffic as you are submitting your websites updates to other search engines that obviously are searched in.
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