Proxy marketing is very important to earn revenue from proxies. If you have proxy project in web industry, you need to promote as well as create market for those proxies. I think many web master are using yahoo answers to promote their proxies. But this platform is not enough to create your proxy market. If you want huge visitors for your proxy project, you will promote your proxies in the following platform also-
Myspace groups:
Myspace is one of the largest community in the web industry. In myspace many proxy related groups are avilable. So you can join there and promote your prxies.
Facebook groups:
Facebook is another largest community in the web. There are many proxy related groups in facebook. Your main job is to join there and put links of proxy in the groups.
Orkut groups:
Orkut is the common platform for Google users. In orkut, I find some proxy groups but small members. You can join there and promote your proxies. This will help you to stand in Google search engine.
In the above way, you should join the following platforms and market your proxy projects-
Hi5 groups
Digital point forum
Others proxy forum
Proxy directories
Search engine submission
Google groups
Yahoo groups.
Bebo groups
My proxy project:
Myspace proxy
Facebook proxy
Youtube proxy
Bebo proxy
Web proxy
Proxy portal
Proxy hosting
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