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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How to make money in online business?

Last night I found a very good website for beginners those who want to earn from online. I think these information will help you a lot to start online business.

If you are a beginner in "making money online" field, you must me wondering what do terms like "GPT,PTC,PTR etc." mean?

To make money online, you should know what do terms like these mean. From this post, I will try to educate you a bit so that next time you come across words like these, you don't have to wonder again.

Listed below are some terms used in "making money online" field:-

GPT - Get Paid ToGPT actually does not represent any particular kind of action for which you can earn money, but it simple means "Get Paid To".

PTC - Paid To ClickTo earn from PTC programs, you have to visit the sites and when you click a paid ad, then you earn.

PTR - Paid To ReadUnder PTR programs, the programs will send you emails and you have to read them and confirm the same by clicking on the link provided to earn money. (So to earn from PTR, you need PTC in the end too).

PTS - Paid To Sign UpPTS programs pay you when you fill up a sign up form for other companies. You are generally required to send PTS programs the confirmation email that you received after signing up with other companies and you earn.

PTP - Paid To PromotePTP program let you earn money when you advertise their links. More the number of people opening your link, more you earn.

Paid To Post-These are forums that pay you for posting. So if you have been wasting your time posting in forums that don't pay, stop that and shift to these.

Paid To Socialize-Very much like programs like Hi5 and MySpace, these programs pay you to socialize. The more you can socialize, the more you earn.

Paid To Share- PicturesIf you own a nice digi-cam and you can take some good pictures, then you can upload your pictures, and when people view your pictures, you can earn money.
Paid To SearchLike Google search or Yahoo search, Paid to search programs pay you for searching. Very simple, ain't it?

Paid To Take Surveys-Like real life surveys where surveys , online surveys are conducted by asking questions to you online. You earn for the surveys you complete. Online surveys can be a very good source of income if you live in countries like USA, UK, Canada.

Paid To Use Software-These programs pay you for using their software, In many cases, the software is a toolbar where the company that pays you shows ads to you. This way, they earn money from advertisers and distribute a small portion, sometimes big too, to you as well.

A very good thing to do when you are looking to earn online is to join as many programs as you can based on how much time you can put in and what programs do you like. Joining just a few is not going to fetch a lot of money for you unless you have a very big referral base. Hence, I suggest you to join as many programs as you can, so that you can have a nice flow of cash.
For a list of programs from which you can make money online click here.


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