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Monday, September 24, 2007

The alexa ranking increases after merging Mybloglog with yahoo

MyBlogLog is now a part of the Yahoo! family.

Yes, My dear friends and followers

Mybloglog, a large community of bloggers now the part of Yahoo.

When You sign in Mybloglog, It shows-

Use your Yahoo! ID to sign in to MyBlogLog directly.
If you don't have a Yahoo! ID, it's free and easy to sign up.

Haven't linked your MyBlogLog account yet?
No problem. Sign in with your Yahoo! ID to get started. Linking is super easy and you can keep your MyBlogLog screen name.

The another news is that after the part of Yahoo, Mybloglog user increases and they visit and sign in because it is easy to sign in Mybloglog as before.

As a result more people gather here to learn about Mybloglog. The Alexa ranking is now up within a week. Now the ranking is-471. I think, It will soon increase more and more because the yahoo users are now interest to join here for blog marketing and blog promotion.

My previous post-Mybloglog merges with Yahoo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mybloglog is indeed cool . I just signed in and see it is not bad either to get you some extra traffic for your site :)

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