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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mybloglog,great blog promotion site


Your main target is to promote your site and turn more visitors in your site. In blog marketing it is very important to collect more visitors. Mybloglog is a good source of visitors.

How to join mybloglog?

If you want to join here, you will have to have Yahoo Id. So you will easily log in using your yahoo id. Mybloglog recently merges with Yahoo and now it is a part of Yahoo community.

How to add your site?

You add your blog in Mybloglog profile. Here the option is blog you author.
you put the blog URL there and get a code for your blog. then you will put that code to your blog templete. in this way mybloglog track your site.

How to perform mybloglog?

You will perform here atleast two or three hours per day. You will start to add your contacts related to your tag or topics. You will also join the community which is related your site and you like best. In a day you are permitted to add only ten contacts or neighbours here. You always pass message to your contacts and friends. This will help you a lot because they reply your message and possibility to hit your blog. So you must add contacts and join community as much as you can.

How to divert visitors to your site?

This is an important job to divert visitors to your site. My five month experience on mybloglog are described here. As mybloglog is a good source of visitors, your target is to divert more visitors to your site. You have to follow the rules of mybloglog community and you will share more things with your contacts and friends. You always pass message of your upates and collect more friends to your own community. when you post messages to your community, these will go every members of that community. So make more friends or contacts to your community. This sharings help you to divert more traffics on your site.

At last I suggest you to join here and perform your best.

Visit my previous post related to Mybloglog

The alexa ranking increases after merging Mybloglog with yahoo

Mybloglog merges with Yahoo

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